Friday 17 June 2016


What I have learn from this assignment. I learn to create blog and familiarize with its features : post, edit. customize the background, edit profile, edit font and size and etc. This is my first time doing blog. I create this blog learning from Youtube and also learning from My Friends and My Lecturer.

A big thank to Miss Nadhirah, from My Friends who have been helping me to complete my assignments. With Allah guides and permission as well as helping hands and taughts from my friend, I am able to complete the blog before the  dateline

Stem and Leaf Diagrams

Tuesday 7 June 2016

Representation of data


1. 21, 22, 26, 27, 18, 5, 7, 8, 35, 31, 61, 70, 44, 41, 52, 56, 57, 56, 57, 56, 58

Draw a stem and leaf diagram foe the above data
a) find the median
b) the mode

0  5 7 8
1  6 8
2  1 2 6 7
3   1 5
4  1 4
5  2 6 6 7 8
6  1                  key : 1/6
7  0                  Represent : 16

a) median
= 32 + 35 / 2
= 66/2
= 33

b) mode
= 56

2. Draw a stem and leaf diagram to represent the data below:-
23, 6, 36, 24, 21, 15, 13, 15, 3, 21, 33, 9, 17, 15, 24, 21, 35, 14, 6, 18

0  3 6 6 9
1  3 4 5 5 5
2  1 1 1 3 4 4            key: 2/1
3  3 5 6                     Represent: 21

Sunday 5 June 2016

Linear inequalities

Linear Inequalities

< Less than
> More than
≤ Less than or Equal to
≥ More than or Equal to
Open circle > < 
Close circle ≥ ≤

1. Solve the following inequalities
a) x – 5 ≥ 2 (x + 6)
= x – 5 ≥ 2 x + 12
= x – 2x ≥ 12 + 5
= -x ≥ 17
= x ≤ 17

b) –x + 2 < 6 (x – 3)
= -x + 2< 6x – 18
= -x – 6x < -18 – 2
= -7x < -20
= x > -20/-7
= x > 2.8

2. -14 ≤ 2x
= x -14 ≤ 2
= x ≤ 2 + 14
= x ≤ 16

3. 3x – 1 ≤ 14
= 3x ≤ 14 -1
= 3x ≤ 15
= x ≤ 15/3
= x ≤ 5


Saturday 28 May 2016

Geometric Progression

Geometric progression example question:

1. write down the first five terms of the geometric progression which has first term 1 and common ratio ½


  1½, ½½, ¼½½½

2. find the 
10th and 20th terms of the GP with first term 3 and common ratio 2.


un = ar n-1
u10 = 3 x (12) 10-1
u10 = 3 x (12) 9
u10 = 3 x 512
u10 = 1536 

u20 = 3 x (2) 20-1
u20 = 3 x (2) 19
u20 = 1572.864

3. find the 7th term of the GP 2, -6, 18


un = ar n-1
u7 = 2 x (-3) 7-1
u7 = 2 x (-3) 6
u7 = 1456

Friday 27 May 2016

Arithmetic progressions

Arithmetic progressions example question: 

1. write down the 
first five term of the AP with first term 8 and common difference 7 

 8th , 15th, 22nd, 29th, 36th, 

2. write down the
 first five terms of the AP with first term 2 and common difference -5

            2th, -3th, -8th, -13th, -18th, 

3, find the 
17th term of the AP with first term 5 and common difference 2

a = 5
d = 2

un = a (n - 1) d
u17 = 5 + (17 - 1) 2
u17 = 5 + (16) 2
u17 = 5 + 32
u17 = 37

Thursday 26 May 2016


Example :-
1.   Find the values of the unknown in the following equation
a)   10k = 0.01
b)   (1/5)h = 1
a) 10k = 0.01
10k = 1/100
10k = 1/10-2
10k = 10-2
K = -2

b) (1/5) h = 1
(1/5) h = (1/5) 0
H = 0

2.   Use the laws & properties of indices to simplify the given expressions:-
a)   2h-2 x 4h5
b)   RT9 ÷ R-1T3
a)   2h-2 x 4h5
= 8h-2+5
= 8h3

b)   RT9 ÷ R-1T3
= R1 - - 9 T9-3

3.   Solve the following of indices, evaluate:-
a) 3x = 27
b) 81 = 92x+3
a) 3x = 27
3x = 33
X = 3
b) 81 = 92x+3
92 = 92x+3
2 = 2x + 3
2-3 = 2x
-1 = 2x
-½ = x

Wednesday 4 May 2016


Law of Logarithm
Loga1 = 0
Logam + logan = loga(m x n)
Logab n = n x logab

Logam – logan = loga(m/n)

1.   Write the following indices to logarithms form:-
a)   52 = 25
b)   1642
c)   125 = 53

a)   Log525 = 2
b)   Log416 =2
c)   Log5125 = 3

2.   Write is log5625?
Log5625 = ?
5x = 625
5x = 54
Log5625 = 4

3.   Log77 + 4log73-2log79

= 1 + log734 – log792
= 1 + log781 – log781
= 1

4.   Solve the equation:-
Log3 (2 + x) = 4
Log34 = 2 + x
81 = 2 + x
81 – 2 + x

79 = x