Friday 27 May 2016

Arithmetic progressions

Arithmetic progressions example question: 

1. write down the 
first five term of the AP with first term 8 and common difference 7 

 8th , 15th, 22nd, 29th, 36th, 

2. write down the
 first five terms of the AP with first term 2 and common difference -5

            2th, -3th, -8th, -13th, -18th, 

3, find the 
17th term of the AP with first term 5 and common difference 2

a = 5
d = 2

un = a (n - 1) d
u17 = 5 + (17 - 1) 2
u17 = 5 + (16) 2
u17 = 5 + 32
u17 = 37

1 comment:

  1. for me this topic is very easy. and my suggestion is can you give more example question. so that we also can practice to do it.
